Monday, May 29, 2006


Nay - by Cheyenne

When i first saw previews for the disaster flick "Poseidon," my first thought was obviously "why?" The reason i say "why?" is that there was an original movie in 1972 title "The Posideon Adventure" which starred Gene Hackman. I've never watched that flick or any other disaster movie from that time period mainly because i'm biased in terms of the special fx and quite honestly, it doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. Another reason for my reaction, wasn't "The Perfect Storm" basically the same idea but on a smaller boat and better cast? They even have the same director(Wolfgang Petersen). And lastly, it just didn't really "catch" my attention. It's a disaster flick, so of course it's going to follow a certain guideline: intro to main group, intro to disaster, random people die, male lead character says "follow me to safety," people from goup die, insert token love story, insert brave sacrifice, group rescued. am i wrong?

Even though i had these reasons not to go see this particular movie, i still said "screw it, why not," because i enjoy a big, loud, dumb movie where i have an idea of what's going to happen , but look forward to those small moments that make me say "whoa, that's some crazy shit." maybe'll i be surprised.

It's safe to say i was not wrong in my initial observations.This is a big dumb entertaining(somewhat) movie. Same standard formula as any other disaster movie. In "Poseidon," there's no one character that you really pull for. Actually there are more characters that you'd rather see die. The deaths are straightforward in their execution,no real surprises. The token love story is pretty idiotic. The one child actor in the movie is so very annoying, i couldn't help but hope he bites it. That might've made me feel better about the movie overall. There are sequences where i said to myself "who would've thought that these 7 or 8 people could all hold their breath for 5mins straight." are these people half fish?

When it it comes down to it, a good comparision to this movie would be "Day After Tomorrow." Cool fx, decent acting, shit dialogue, and the feeling of "that's it?" when end credits come up

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Thoughts on The DaVinci Code

More "Nay" than "Yay" Still thinkin'. This is really not a review. Just thoughts so far...

Maybe I should've read the book. Or maybe I shouldn't have read any of the reviews until after I watched the movie. Needless to say, I'm not a religious person by any means. And this movie just made me reconfirm that truth: that I have absolutely no idea what to believe when it comes to such specific details. Is it possible to believe in everything being a possiblity? Can I be ok just being confused? People brought so much hype with it in writing and barely placed it at 50/100 spot as a film. It's amazing how different a story can be told if put into a different medium.

There I was. Intrigued. Happy in a way that I don't have to go through so many pages to finally see what all the fuss was about. And yet, now I'm still wondering?

Don't get me wrong, Tom Hanks is an astounding actor in my eyes. He plays such a key role in me even going to watch this because I've always admired his work. But I feel that even he couldn't make this easy to tell. I know why this is so controversial. Obviously, that was the best part in the whole thing. Finding out what DaVinci was trying to argue by seeing the painting of "The Supper" and noticing the little details about the Holy Grail. A shit storm. People gasped in the theatre when such a point was being revealed, but like I stated earlier, I'm not a religious person. So in my eyes nterestingly enough, it's simply believe it or not. I did, however, go to my parent's house to see if a cup was in fact a part of the sculpture of "The Supper" they have sitting above their piano. No cup.

I obviously can't be like all the others who say, "the book was better" because I wouldn't know. But I can't say that this movie was to any degree "amazing." I think it is best told in writing because a person can understand more if they move at their own pace and our imagination is in fact a powerful tool of its own in our head as it portrays what we take in. However, we of course must be patient enough to read this stuff in which I'm unfortunate to say I'm not.

Is it safe to say that there's just to much out there to be so one-track minded? Just because we've been taught one way for so long, is that really the only way? In that case, we would've still believed the world is flat. I'm still debating.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

United 93


Sunday evening. Two days after its release. 5 years, 6 months, and some odd days after the real events took place. The destruction of what is now referred to as, "the worst terrorist attacks on American soil" now brought onto the big screen and there I was, sitting in a movie theatre and for the first time I hoped NOT to be entertained.

The very beginning had a tremendous impact on me. Having seen what it may have been like to be one of the "terrorists," sitting on a hotel bed in a country foreign to him, reading, mumbling a prayer to himself of what was yet to come...He did not look vicious. Just average. Maybe confused, hesitant, and almost lost like a little boy with no place to go in a land he could not call home. The story reflected back on a time that I almost forgot. A moment that no one was prepared for to say the least. And it was portrayed as if there was nothing more to tell than what was happening right before our eyes.

People. Using their cell phones. Logging into their lap tops. Drinking their cups of coffee. Going about their daily routines. Passengers ready for boarding. Planning their agendas. People with a job to do. Pilots and flight attendants reeling in their luggage, getting ready for their next trip. Clocking in, starting the morning without a care in the world. Planning for a tomorrow that will never come.

We see so many points of view that we get dizzy trying not to lose track. The camera veers from one direction to the next. Whether it be at the Air Traffic Control Towers watching as each plane they lose contact with disappear on their radars. Or the management team, shuffling through papers, awaiting for a liason, preparing for their next course of action. Or the military commanders, on and off the phones, frantically trying to get permission to engage an attack without worrying their counterparts. And then we bare witness to the loved ones, helpless, floating in mid-air, making their calls to their husbands, wives, moms, dads, children, and saying their final farewells. The stuartist, calm and collect at first, now in a state of panic promising to quit the next day.

I felt numb. Sweat dripped down the back of my neck. I shifted my weight to avoid passing out. Closed my eyes at times when there was so much to take in and just the mere thought of having been in their place, the thought of what must have been going on in their heads. What would I have been thinking of if I knew I would never touch the ground again? It became too exhausting that I had to blink just to regain enough energy to keep watching.

People around me were at the edge of their seats. Covering their mouths in shock. I started focusing on their reactions. Their gasps when someone would get stabbed. Shaking their heads when the passengers were trying to sneak a phonecall. Their emotional highs and lows even though we knew the inevitable was about to happen. I clenched my fists at the very end, as if by doing so I could hold the plane up and change its ending.

The importance of communication can be seen throughout this film.

Between the manager to his team, the military commander to his subordinates, the liason to a room full of unpredictable circumstance. But the most powerful of all was between the young men waiting to take over the plane. The anxious, taking deep breaths pressed against his seat, with a "bomb" strapped around his waist. The eager pacing back and forth unable to sit still. The merciless, a red bandana around his forehead, blood on his wifebeater willing to stab anything in sight. And the hesitant, who we saw pray, who we hear say, "I love you" to another we never get to meet right before boarding. They had a specific target taped on the steering wheel, yet it was the ONLY one who seemed doubtful who was assigned to fly towards it.

What I admire in the director is that he did not go into heavy detail about anything. He showed the side of it as if we still know nothing. No extreme political standpoint was illustrated nor was there any specific story told. It was generalized using unfamiliar actors/actresses. Revealing all its imperfections. But that is how the real world works. Everyone moving at the speed of light and it is not until a catastrophe happens that we have time to even look at each other. To pause and appreciate that we have this time and to acknowledge that nothing lasts forever.

So what is the point if any? Simple. Communication. With it or lack thereof can cause life-altering consequences.